Research Projects


Dolphins - Aberdeen Harbour

This project aims to initiate a long-term, dedicated monitoring program for dolphins utilising Aberdeen Harbour. By conducting dedicated watches, observers will be able to collect data at a finer temporal resolution and capture detailed behavioural information, in addition to details of presence / absence, group size, etc. This will shed light on the drivers of dolphin behaviour and habitat-use within the harbour. 


Seals - Ythan Estuary

This project aims to initiate a long-term, dedicated monitoring program for seals utilising Newburgh Beach and the Ythan Estuary. Through a combination of dedicated surveys, observers will be able to collect data on the environmental drivers of seal haul-out behaviour and quantify levels of human disturbance.


Seals - Donmouth LNR

This project aims to initiate a long-term, dedicated monitoring program for seals utilising Newburgh Beach and the Ythan Estuary. Through a combination of dedicated surveys, observers will be able to collect data on the environmental drivers of seal haul-out behaviour and quantify levels of human disturbance.